15 Mayıs 2020 Cuma

Cashew Roasting Machine


The Government of India Act prescribes 33 different grades of cashew kernels. Only 26 grades are commercially available and exported. They are different kinds of cashew nuts types 

W – 180, is the ‘ King of Cashew ‘ – They are larger in size and very expensive.

W – 210, are popularly known as ‘ Jumbo ‘ nuts.

W – 240, it is an attractive grade which is reasonably priced.

W – 320, are the most popular among cashew kernels and highest in terms of availability, worldwide.

W – 450, are the smallest and cheapest white whole kernels and hence the favorite among low priced whole grades.

(See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines http://www.ozstarmakina.com/en  )

Scorched wholes are another grade of cashew kernels, which have a slight brown color due to longer roasting. They have all the other characteristics of white kernels and have the same nutritional qualities. Butts, splits and pieces are priced lower and are ideal for cooking, preparation of sweets and savory snacks the cashew kernels are highly nutritive. They are rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, unsaturated fats, minerals like calcium, phosphorus,. Iron and vitamins. Why this kidney shaped nut called Natural Vitamin Pills? 

Its high nutritional value work as great health boosters and a good source of monounsaturated fats and proteins. Cashew nuts are great source of iron, so this is important pregnant women; produce more blood in order to nourish the fetus.  Its anti-bacterial components fight against infection

Nuts – Memory Booster Cashew nut’s dietary copper source helps to breakdown the fat in your food.  Copper also needed for brain function. Cashew nut – Storehouse of all essential nutrients. Vitamin E- presence – helps to prevent aging tissue damage, reduce the risk of cancer and improve immunity

(See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

OZSTAR (http://www.ozstarmakina.com/en)  has the best roasters of various capacities to give you perfectly roasted peanuts! we also provide additional equipment for flavoring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com) also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts.

nut roasting machines


Brazil Nuts: Alternate Names: Paranut, cream nut. Characteristics: One of the largest types of nuts available, this giant, elongated nut is native to Brazil and can be found throughout the Amazonian rain forest. Eating just two of the crunchy, mild-flavored nuts will provide a daily dose of the antioxidants selenium and vitamin E.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

Pine Nuts. Alternate Names: Pignoli, piñon nuts. Characteristics: Harvested from pine trees, the tiny beige nuts are now mostly imported from China and Italy. The Italian pine nuts are longer and more slender than their Chinese counterparts. With its mildly piney flavor and soft, chewy texture, the pine nut is often more pleasing to many palates when toasted or incorporated into a pesto.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

Pecans. Characteristics: Native to North America, pecans have a distinct place in American culinary history, used in a host of traditional Southern dishes. Grown mainly in Georgia and Texas, the pecan is ever so sweeter than the walnut, and thus used mainly in baking.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines http://www.ozstarmakina.com/en

There are so many types of nuts that bring texture, crunch, and flavor to so many of our favorite cookies, pastas, salads, pestos, and even fish, chicken, and beef recipes. Combined with honey, sugar, maple syrup, or chocolate, these savory nuggets become sweet while retaining their bite and base flavors. Their small size belies their importance as an ingredient—they're something to be reckoned

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com )  has the best roasters of various capacities to give you perfectly roasted peanuts! we also provide additional equipment for flavoring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com) also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts.


characteristics of tree nuts roasting machine


Marcona Almonds & Almonds: Marcona Almonds Characteristics: Rounder, flatter, and sweeter than regular almonds, Marcona almonds are from Spain. They're usually sold pre-cooked—fried or roasted, and salted—and make for great snacks. If you want to cook or bake with them, use them in their raw state.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

Almond Characteristics: Unlike many other nuts, almonds are sold whole, sliced, and slivered; blanched; with and without the skin. Pulverized, they're also sold as flour to be baked in tortes and flourless cakes. Almonds have a mildly sweet flavor that is magnified in products such as almond extract, almond paste, and marzipan.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

Macadamia Nuts: Alternate Names: Queensland nut, Australian nut. Characteristics: Originally available only in Hawaii or Australia, these large and now ubiquitous nuts are palpably rich with an almost buttery flavor. Chopped up, they pair especially well with fish, as well as in baked goods such as cookies and pies.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

Peanuts: Alternate Name: Goober. Characteristics: The peanut is technically a legume (like peas, lentils, and beans), but it's considered a nut due to its culinary usage. Aside from its low price and year-round wide availability, what makes the peanut so good is its high protein content: One cup has 40 grams, making it the most protein-rich of its nut brethren. Raw peanuts possess a hearty earthiness that becomes even more pronounced when they're roasted.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com )  has the best roasters of various capacities to give you perfectly roasted peanuts! we also provide additional equipment for flavoring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com) also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts.


pistachios roasting machine


Pistachio: Pistachios originating in parts of Western Asia and the Middle East, the pistachio (technically a seed) has proven its appeal as a key ingredient in dishes such as baklava, ma'amoul, haroseth, and halvah. California pistachios dominate our domestic market but if you can, seek out the Turkish and Persian varieties, which are smaller, have a darker shell and skin, and are more flavorful.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

Hazelnut:  Hazelnut which is a round nut plays a big role in a beloved sweet spread gianduja, better known as the commercially available Nutella. The woodsy notes in the hazelnut coax out chocolate's own nuttiness, making for a pairing made in heaven. They are edible raw, but to really enhance the flavor, you will need to roast them and remove the bitter skin. In addition, roasting increases their crunchiness, making them the perfect textural counterpart in salads and soups.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

Cashews: This crescent-shaped South American nut made its way into other cuisines such as Indian and Thai, thanks to Portuguese explorers and traders. It’s almost-neutral flavor makes it a perfect candidate for when you're seeking to add texture, shape, or crunch to a recipe. Cashew milk, like almond milk, makes for a nutritious alternative to dairy.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

Walnut : The walnut is an extremely popular baking ingredient, and one of the few nuts you can still find in the shell (depending on the season). The ruffled flesh is relatively high in tannins, which give walnuts their slightly bitter, dry taste. (If tannins trigger migraines, avoid them, as well as pistachios, pecans, and cashews.) However, their astringency is what makes walnuts a good complement to sweeter flavors.

OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com ) has the best roasters of various capacities to give you perfectly roasted peanuts! we also provide additional equipment for flavoring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com) also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts.


nuts cashew almonds walnuts pecans pistachios

Tree Nuts and Diet

The most common tree nuts include macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, chestnutshazelnuts (filberts), and pine nuts (pignoli or pinon). Less common tree nuts include beechnuts, butternuts, chinquapins, gingko, hickory nuts, lychee nuts, pili nuts, and shea nuts.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com)has the best roasters of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted peanuts! we also provide additional equipment for flavoring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com)also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts.

Allergies to More than One Nut: People can be allergic to one type of tree nut, to some tree nuts, or to many tree nuts but not to other types of tree nuts. That is because some tree nuts contain similar proteins—for example, almonds and hazelnuts contain similar proteins, as do walnuts and pecans, and pistachios and cashews. Because of these protein similarities, it is common for an individual to have an allergy to both nuts. For instance, if you are allergic to cashew, you have a greater risk of being allergic to pistachios, as well.

However, most people with a tree nut allergy are not allergic to all tree nuts. The decision to avoid all tree nuts when there is an allergy to one or more tree nuts is a personal one and one you should discuss with your doctor. In food production, the risk of cross contact with multiple tree nuts is higher, which has led many health professionals to recommend avoidance of all tree nuts.

( See the reputed OZSTAR nuts roasting machines www.ozstarmakina.com)

OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com)has the best roasters of various capacities to give you perfectly roasted peanuts! we also provide additional equipment for flavoring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com)also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts.

Symptoms Associated With Tree Nut Allergy: tingling of the lips, itching of the mouth, ears, and eyes, oral allergy syndrome, contact dermatitis, throat tightening, urticaria (hives), angioedema, conjunctivitis, asthma (in asthmatics), abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, anaphylaxis

Anyone with a tree nut allergy (or caring for a child with a tree nut allergy) should be thoroughly briefed on reading labels, the symptoms of severe food allergies, and treating food allergies.