30 Haziran 2020 Salı

Machine à rôtir les noix | Machine à rôtir les noix Ozstar-Arachide-Amande

Les Types De Torréfaction

Contrairement À Ce Que L’on Pourrait Penser, C’est Le Résultat Final Attendu en Tasse Qui Oriente La Torréfaction. Par Exemple, Une Torréfaction Pour Réaliser Des Espressi Sera Différente D’une Torréfaction Destinée Aux Méthodes Douces. Afin D’avoir Le Meilleur Résultat en Tasse, Les Torréfacteurs Peuvent Torréfier Le Café De Trois Façons Différentes.


La Torréfaction Light (Claire) Temps = 8 À 12 Min

Ce Type De Torréfaction Vous Offrira Des Arômes Fruités Et Floraux Avec Des Saveurs Qui Se Tournent Plutôt Vers L’acidité Et La Fraîcheur. La Maîtrise D’une Torréfaction Très Light Est Complexe Mais Peut Apporter Des Arômes Surprenants en Tasse. Attention Tout De Même Car Vous Pourriez Vous Retrouver Avec Des Arômes Végétaux D’haricot Vert, De Petit Pois Ou Encore De Céréales.

La Torréfaction Light Est en Générale Destinée Au Café Filtre Mais Peut Convenir Aux Amateurs De Cafés Vifs en Espresso.

La Torréfaction Médium (Moyenne) Temps = 12 À 15 Min

Une Torréfaction Medium Vous Apportera Un Bel Équilibre Entre Acidité Et Amertume. Vous Retrouverez Des Arômes Plutôt Chocolatés Et Plus Gourmands. L’objectif De Cette Torréfaction Est D’enrober Le Fruit Pour en Faire Ressortir Toute Sa Gourmandise !

Grâce À Son Équilibre en Tasse, La Torréfaction Medium Peut Se Positionner Sur L’espresso Et Sur Le Café Filtre. En Espresso, Vous Aurez Un Résultat Moins Acide Par Rapport À La Torréfaction Light. En Café Filtre, Vous Obtiendrez Un Café Avec Du Corps Et Une Pointe D’amertume.


La Torréfaction Dark (Foncée) Temps = Plus De 15 Min


En Général, La Torréfaction Dark Est Dédiée Aux Cafés Italiens  Qui S’utilisent Uniquement en Espresso. Ici, Nous Serons Sur Des Arômes Plus Forts De Noisette Et De Pain Grillé Voir Très Grillé. L’amertume Sera Très Présente Et L’acidité Sera Faible.

Savez-vous Comment Le Torréfacteur Sait Que Le Grain Est Passé D’une Torréfaction Médium À Dark? En Plus De Sa Couleur, C’est Le Second « Crac » Qui Nous Donne Cette Information !





Machine à rôtir les noix | Machine à rôtir les noix Ozstar-Arachide-Amande

Voila Maintenant Plus D’un an Que Je Suis Arrivée Chez Özstar  ! Evidemment, J’ai Eu L’opportunité D’apprendre De Nombreuses Choses Sur Le Café. Mais, Je L’avoue, La Partie Torréfaction Restait Encore Un Sujet Très Flou Pour Moi ! Alors, Carnet De Notes en Main, Je Suis Partie Voir Les Torréfacteurs Des Cafés Chez ÖZSTAR   Pour en Apprendre Un Peu Plus

Avant D’entrer Dans Le Vif Du Sujet, Je Voudrais Revenir Sur La Définition Même De La Torréfaction. C’est Donc L’art De Transformer Le Grain Vert en Ce Délicieux Nectar Que Nous Appelons « Café ». Mais Avant De Pouvoir Déguster Votre Petit Kawa, Le Petit Grain Vert Doit Passer Par Quelques Étapes.

Les Trois Grandes Étapes De La Torréfaction


Cette Première Étape Débute Dès Que Le Café Grain Vert Entre Dans Le Torréfacteur Et Ce, Jusqu’à Ce Qu’il Change De Couleur. Le Grain De Café Passe Alors De La Couleur Verte À Jaune, on Appelle Cela La « Réaction De Stucker ». Ce Phénomène S’explique Par L’évaporation De L’eau Qui Se Trouvait Dans Le Grain.

La Caramélisation

Ici on Parlera De La « Réaction De Maillard ». Cette Réaction Permet Aux Arômes De Se Développer. Par Conséquent, Plus Cette Étape Sera Longue, Plus Nous Retrouverons Des Arômes Puissants en Tasse. Nous Passons D’arômes Plutôt Végétaux À Des Arômes Fruités. Côté Couleur, Le Grain Passe Progressivement Du Jaune À Une Couleur Cannelle.

Le Développement

Cette Ultime Étape Débute Au Premier « Crac ». Elle Permet De Stabiliser Les Arômes Qui Ont Été Révélés Pendant La Caramélisation Et De Donner Sa Couleur Finale Au Café. C’est Surement L’étape La Plus Technique De La Torréfaction Puisque C’est Au Torréfacteur De Déterminer À Quel Moment Et À Quelle Température Il Va Arrêter La Cuisson Du Café.

Ces Trois Étapes Vont Permettre Aux Torréfacteurs De Travailler Sur Différents Aspects Du Café:

Son Corps.

Sa Sucrosité.

Son Acidité.

Son Explosivité Aromatique

Un Mot D’ordre: Précision


La Torréfaction Est Un Veritable Travail De Précision. En Effet, Le Résultat Gustatif Peut Être Totalement Différent Avec Une Temperature Variant Seulement De Un Ou Deux Degrés (Si,si !) Ou Avec Un Autre Temps De Cuisson. C’est Donc Le Rôle Du Torréfacteur De Trouver Le Meilleur Profil Torréfaction.

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

Oven-Roasted Peanuts

There's no need to wait for the carnival to come to town or hunt down a street vendor: you can easily make roasted peanuts at home. It's incredibly easy to do and it's hard to beat the flavor of freshly roasted peanuts straight out of the oven. 

There really are no tricks to roasting nuts in your own kitchen. The biggest concern is the timing because you'll need to roast those in the shell a little longer than peanuts that have already been shelled. Either way, it takes less than 30 minutes; you'll be crunching in no time.

Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans, manual and automatic salting units.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

The only items you need are peanuts and a shallow baking dish. Raw, dried peanuts are the best for roasting. If all you have are green peanuts—those that have not been dried—you'll want to boil them instead. Your dried peanuts can be shelled or unshelled. When using peanuts in the shell, sort through them before you begin. You only want to roast the ones that have clean, unbroken, and unblemished shells. Also, they shouldn't rattle when you shake them.

 A healthy, convenient snack, these peanuts are perfect to take with you on road trips, hiking adventures, or days at the beach, offering a quick source of protein.  Öz Star Nuts Roasting Machines and Equipment. Peanut, Almond, Pistachio Roasters and so on. Öz Star Nuts roasting machines provide the best quality of salted peanuts, almonds, hazelnut.

Store unshelled roasted peanuts in an airtight container up to one month on the shelf. In the refrigerator, they will keep for six months. In the freezer, they're good for up to one year. The same storage recommendations apply to raw unshelled peanuts. If you find a great deal, stock up and store them properly so you can enjoy your peanuts whenever you'd like.

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

Hazelnut and Dill

– Dill overall has a pungent, green, lemony and herbal flavour despite this vegetal combination it has the potential to blend with hazelnuts. Hazelnuts have a subtle earthy tone to them which is able to compliment the green and herbal flavour found in dill.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

Hazelnut and Avacado– Both of these ingredient are naturally fatty. Avocados have subtle notes of hazelnut and anise and because of this they are able to play off the true flavour of hazelnuts. Hazelnut and Garlic- When roasted garlic can take on a caramelized sweet flavour which is enhanced by the roasted nutty flavour of hazelnuts. The two are further complimented when lemon is added to add a dimension of acidity and freshness. Try combining these ingredients for a sauce over chicken!

There's no need to wait for the carnival to come to town or hunt down a street vendor: you can easily make roasted peanuts at home. It's incredibly easy to do and it's hard to beat the flavor of freshly roasted peanuts straight out of the oven. There really are no tricks to roasting nuts in your own kitchen. 

The biggest concern is the timing because you'll need to roast those in the shell a little longer than peanuts that have already been shelled. Either way, it takes less than 30 minutes; you'll be crunching in no time. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans, manual and automatic salting units.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine



The hazelnut has never quite found a place in the heart of North Americans unless you count Nutella, a spread made from hazelnuts and cocoa powder. Hazelnuts however, are quite prevalent in are across the world in Italy and Turkey. Hazelnuts are nut of the hazel which derive from the species of genus Corylus. 

Hazelnuts are also known as cobnut or filbert nut based on the plant species and nut shape. Cobnuts are a cultivated hazelnut and are generally rounder in shape. Filbert nuts on the other hand are much smaller and harder than regular hazelnuts. The leading producer of hazelnuts is Turkey as it produces 70% world annual supply with other major producers being Italy and the United States. 

Overall, the characteristic flavour of hazelnuts is nutty, toasted, earthy with slight notes of musty and earthy. Besides that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

One of the major flavour compounds found in hazelnuts is filbertone. Filbertone is naturally occurring ketone found in hazelnut oil. It has a roasted, fatty, sweet and long-lasting character. What is unique about this compound is that it can be used to test for the authenticity of olive oil. In order to adulterate olive oil some individuals add small amounts of cheap hazelnut oil to the olive oil. Therefore, if a sample is counterfeit one can use gas chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy to test if filbertone. 

If the compound is present than the oil has been compromised. Besides that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

How The Peanut Plant Grows?


The peanut is unusual because it flowers above the ground, but fruits below the ground. Typical misconceptions of how peanuts grow place them on trees (like walnuts or pecans) or growing as a part of a root, like potatoes. Peanut seeds (kernels) grow into a green oval-leafed plant about 18 inches tall which develop delicate flowers around the lower portion of the plant.

 The flowers pollinate themselves and then lose their petals as the fertilized ovary begins to enlarge. The budding ovary or "peg" grows down away from the plant, forming a small stem, which extends to the soil. The Peanut embryo is in the tip of the peg, which penetrates the soil. The embryo turns horizontal to the soil surface and begins to mature taking the form of peanut. The plant continues to grow and flower, eventually producing some 40 or more mature pods. 

From planting to harvesting, the growing cycle takes about four to five months, depending on the type or variety. The peanut is a nitrogen-fixing plant; its roots form modules which absorb nitrogen from the air and provides enrichment and nutrition to the plant and soils. Öz Star Nuts Roasting Machines and Equipment. Peanut, Almond, Pistachio Roasters and so on. Öz Star Nuts roasting machines provide the best quality of salted peanuts, almonds, hazelnut.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/     https://ozstarmachinery.com/

Although peanuts come in many varieties, there are four basic market types: Runner, Virginia, Spanish and Valencia. Each of the peanut types is distinctive in size, flavor, and nutritional composition. Within each four basic types of peanuts, there are several "varieties" for seed and production purposes.

 Each variety contains distinct characteristics which allows a producer to select the peanut that is best suited for its region and market. Besides that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

29 Haziran 2020 Pazartesi

Nutritional Differences Between Raw and Roasted Nuts

Nutritional Differences Between Raw and Roasted Nuts

Although prepared differently, there are very few nutritional differences found between raw and roasted nuts. Dry-roasted and raw nuts contain comparable levels of carbs, fat and protein. However, roasted nuts have higher caloric value and more fat. For a better idea, check out the nutritional information for several popular nut types: Pecans: One ounce of raw pecans has 193 calories with 14 grams of fat, while an identical serving of roasted pecans contains 199 calories and 21 grams of fat. 

Almonds: One ounce of raw almonds has 161 calories and 14 grams of fat, and dry-roasted almonds have 167 calories and 15 grams of fat. Cashews: One ounce of raw cashews contains 157 calories and 12 grams of fat, whereas dry-roasted nuts have 163 calories and 13 grams of fat. The cause of this slight nutritional variance is the roasting process, where the nuts lose moisture and mass. 

Öz Star Nuts roasting machines provide the best quality of roasted hazelnut. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans. OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

When deciding whether you prefer raw vs. roasted nuts, one thing to consider is the potential dangers of raw foods. While both roasted and raw nuts have similar nutritional values and help minimize heart disease, raw nuts do present a significant potential health concern. Raw nuts like almonds and pistachios have been reported as carrying salmonella. Dry or oil roasting nuts is known to reduce the risk of contamination from salmonella and other harmful bacteria. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

Raw vs. Roasted Nuts — Which Is Better for You?

Whether you like them salted, sweet, slightly toasted, raw or at the ballpark on a summer afternoon, nuts are a delicious and nutritious snack anytime. Nuts in their simplest forms — raw and toasted — offer a variety of fiber, protein and healthy fats to keep you active and healthy. But there’s a growing divide in the nut munching community — should you eat them raw or have them toasted? 

Are raw or roasted nuts better for you? While roasting nuts improves the flavor, aroma, texture and crunch, many believe this added toasting process could affect the overall nutritional benefits of the nut. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

Roasting nuts enhances flavor, creating a dynamic snacking experience. Most experts believe roasting nuts doesn’t alter the structure of the nut or its nutritional benefits. Roasting cooks the nut evenly with a dry heat. Most nuts are roasted without shells using either a dry roasting or oil roasting method — the exception being pistachios. Roasting is also one of the most common and easiest ways to remove the shell from cashews and other nut types.

Along with making certain nuts like pistachios, almonds, pecans and cashews easier to eat, roasting offers an unexpected benefit — it can alter the way your body digests them. Experts found that a roasted almond is easier for your body to digest compared to a raw almond. Roasted nuts are digested much more effectively, satisfying your hunger more quickly than raw nuts. Öz Star Nuts roasting machines provide the best quality of roasted hazelnut.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/


Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

Scientists have also tentatively linked a higher vitamin E intake with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. A 2016 review notes that one antioxidant in vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol, may play a role in reducing the risk of cancer. 

However, more studies are needed to confirm this as findings have been contradictory overall. There is some evidence that almonds may help manage blood sugar levels. Many people with type 2 diabetes have low magnesium levels. A deficiency is common among those who have difficulty managing their blood sugar levels. 

Scientists have suggested there may be a link between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance. In a 2011 study, 20 people with type 2 diabetes ate 60 g of almonds a day for 12 weeks. Overall, they saw improvements in: blood sugar levels blood lipid, or fat, levels. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

One ounce of almonds provides 76.5 mg of magnesium, or between 18% and 24% of an adult’s daily requirement. Some experts suggest using magnesium supplements to improve blood sugar profiles, but almonds may offer a suitable dietary source instead.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

Almond are low in carbohydrates but high in protein, healthful fats, and fiber. According to research appearing in 2015, eating almonds as a mid-morning snack can leave a person feeling full for some time. People consumed either 28 g (173 calories) or 42 g (259 calories). 

The extent to which the participants’ appetites remained low was dependent on the quantity of almonds they consumed. Feeling full can help people lose weight, as they will be less tempted to seek more snacks. Nuts often feature in breakfast cereal. Öz Star Nuts roasting machines provide the best quality of roasted hazelnut.

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

A 2015 study looked at nut consumption and cancer risk. The authors identified a two to three times lower risk of breast cancer among individuals who consumed higher quantities of peanuts, walnuts, and almonds, compared with those who did not. 

They concluded that “peanuts, walnuts, and almonds appear to be a protective factor for the development of breast cancer.” Almonds, along with other nuts and seeds, may help improve lipid, or fat, levels in the blood. This can benefit heart health. In a study from 2014, scientists found that almonds significantly increased the levels of antioxidants in the bloodstream, reduced blood pressure, and improved blood flow. 

The participants were all healthy males from 20–70 years of age who took 50 g of almonds per day for 4 weeks. The researchers believe this may be due to: vitamin E, healthy fats, and fiber, which help a person feel full the antioxidant impact of flavonoids They recommend eating a handful of almonds a day to obtain these benefits. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

Almonds contain relatively high levels of vitamin E. Vitamin E contains antioxidants, such as tocopherol. One ounce (28.4 g) of plain almonds provides 7.27 milligrams (mg) of vitamin E, which is around half a person’s daily requirement. Vitamin E and other antioxidants help prevent oxidative damage in the body. This damage can occur when too many free radicals accumulate. Free radicals result from natural bodily processes and environmental stresses. 

The body can eliminate many of them, but dietary antioxidants help remove them, too. High levels of free radicals can cause oxidative stress, resulting in damage to cells. This can lead to various diseases and health problems. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

The Health Benefits of Almonds


Almonds contain vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber, and so they may offer a number of health benefits. Just a handful of almonds — approximately 1 ounce — contains one-eighth of a person’s daily protein needs. People can eat almonds raw or toasted as a snack or add them to sweet or savory dishes. They are also available sliced, flaked, slivered, as flour, oil, butter, or almond milk. People call almonds a nut, but they are seeds, rather than a true nut

Almond trees may have been one of the earliest trees that people cultivated. In Jordan, archaeologists have found evidence of domesticated almond trees dating back some 5,000 years. In this article, find out some of the reasons for almonds being a healthful choice. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

Almonds are high in fat, but it is unsaturated fat. This type of fat does not increase the risk of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol. In moderation, the American Heart Association (AHA) note that unsaturated fats may improve a person’s blood cholesterol status. In addition, almonds contain no cholesterol. 

A study from 2005 suggests that consuming almonds may: increase vitamin E levels in the plasma and red blood cells lower overall cholesterol levels. Öz Star Nuts roasting machines provide the best quality of roasted hazelnut.

According to these researchers, vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help stop the oxidization process that causes cholesterol to clog the arteries. Further studies have found similar results. Authors of a 2018 review note that the nutrients in almonds may help boost or maintain levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol. 

They advised people to consume around 45 grams (g) a day of almonds to protect heart health. Öz Star Nuts roasting machines provide the best quality of roasted hazelnut.