7 Temmuz 2020 Salı

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

The Spanish types flower relatively early and have a broader first flowering peak whereas the Virginia types are later flowering and have multiple flowering peaks. Cultivars within the subspecies also vary in their flowering patterns. Flowers are borne in the axils of leaves (Figure 2a), usually with three flowers per inflorescence. Generally one bud per inflorescence reaches anthesis on a given day, but occasionally two or more buds may open on the same day. 

Flower color varies from yellow to orange to dark orange and rarely to white. The style is contained within a calyx tube (hypanthium). The bud is 6-10mm long 24 h before anthesis and, during the day, the hypanthium elongates slowly and the bud attains a length of 10-20 mm. During the night, elongation of the hypanthium is more rapid. The flower contains 10 anthers, five of which are small and globular and five are oblong. One of the anthers is usually sterile and difficult to observe.

The anther attains a maximum length of 5-7 mm at the time of anthesis. Flowers open early in the morning as soon as they receive light. OZSTAR has the best roasters of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted peanuts! We also provide additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts We manufacture different capacity to suit demand. This stainless steel is of high quality and can be controlled from the touch screen control panel.

The dehiscence of anther occurs just before or when the flower opens or sometimes much earlier. The stigma is receptive from 24 h before to 12 h after flower opening. Groundnuts are usually self-pollinated and pollination occurs just before the flowers open. It has been observed that sporogenesis and gametogenesis occurs 3 to 6 days prior to anthesis when buds are about 5mm long. Pollination occurs just before anthesis. After pollination the pollen tube grows at a rate of 1 cm/h resulting in fertilization about 5-6 h after pollination. 

This may vary with cultivar and environment. After fertilization the flower withers and in doing so activates the growth and elongation of the intercalary meristem, which is located at the base of the ovary. A stalk-like structure, called a peg (Figure 2b), becomes visible within 4-6 days after fertilization under optimum environmental conditions. Peg extension is slow at first and takes about 5-6 days to penetrate the bracts. OZSTAR has the best roasters of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted peanuts! We also provide additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts We manufacture different capacity to suit demand. This stainless steel is of high quality and can be controlled from the touch screen control panel.

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