7 Temmuz 2020 Salı

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

OZSTAR has the best roasters of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted peanuts! We also provide additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts We manufacture different capacity to suit demand. This stainless steel is of high quality and can be controlled from the touch screen control panel. Groundnuts take about 3-5 days for germination and emergence from the soil at 30° C. 

The radicle emerges within 24 h or earlier for vigorous Spanish types and within 36 to 48 h in Virginia types. The primary root system is tap-rooted but many lateral roots also appear about 3 days after germination. Roots are concentrated in the 5 to 35 cm zone below the soil surface, but penetrate the profile to a depth of 135 cm. Groundnut roots do not have typical root hairs, but rather tufts of hair, which are produced in the root axils. During the first few days the developing seedlings are dependent on assimilates stored in cotyledons. After 5-10 days, depending upon cultivar and environmental conditions, the seedling grows autotrophically and is capable of absorbing minerals via the roots whilst the epicotyl is exposed to light and capable of photosynthesis. Stems are angular, green or pigmented and are initially solid, but as the plants grow they tend to become somewhat hollow.


The main stem develops from a terminal bud of the epicotyl and two opposite cotyledonary laterals grow at soil level. The main stem can be upright or prostrate and from 12 to 35 cm long or may exceed 1m in runner types. The early vegetative growth stage is mainly concerned with mainstem elongation and leaf production, whereas the formation of lateral branches dominates later growth. Mainstem leaves account for >50% of the leaf area of plants for the first 35 days, but at 90 days they account only for 10%. After flowering, dry matter accumulation is mainly in the reproductive structures. The growth and branching patterns differ between subspecies and botanical types. 

Subspecies hypogaea has alternating pairs of vegetative and reproductive nodes, while subspecies fastigiata has a sequential pattern of reproductive nodes. 5.3. Reproductive Growth and Maturity Groundnut cultivars typically flower (R1) about 25 to 30 days after sowing, depending on cultivar and climatic conditions. The flowering pattern varies within and between botanical types. OZSTAR has the best roasters of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted peanuts! We also provide additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts We manufacture different capacity to suit demand. This stainless steel is of high quality and can be controlled from the touch screen control panel.

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